Creating and Securing Long-term Community Housing Assets
TTWHA is working to create long-term community housing assets through the development of workforce housing and the acquisition of existing housing throughout Truckee-Tahoe.
In accordance with the 2023-27 Agency Strategic Plan, TTWHA is focused on facilitation of development on publicly-owned land and incentivizing development on privately-owned land.
Stay tuned on projects in the works!
Strategic Plan Targets
How Will We Get There?
$10 million
Create $10 million in new funding to accelerate workforce housing solutions.
75 units
Facilitate development of at least 75 workforce housing units on publicly-owned land.
50 units
Incentivize the development and/or acquisition of workforce housing on privately-owned land.
To ensure long-term affordability and community access, we are working to acquire existing housing for local use, in perpetuity. We are actively looking for multi-family housing that can be secured and preserved for our workforce.
Property Owners / Realtors: Let’s connect!
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How Will We Get There?
Strategic Plan Targets
24 units
Acquire 24 existing housing units and preserve for long-term workforce housing.